Here are some helpful & informative resources.
At Home with Montessori, Patricia Oriti
How Girls Thrive, JoAnn Deak, Ph.D. & Dory Adams
How To Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk, A.Faber
Montessori Today, Paula Polk Lillard
Multiple Intelligences, Howard Gardner
Positive Discipline, Jane Nelsen, Ed.D.
Raising Self-Reliant Children In a Self-Indulgent World, Glenn & Nelsen
Say Good-Bye to Illness, Devi S. Nambudripad, M.D., D.C., L.Ac., Ph.D
Siblings Without Rivalry, Adele Faber & Elaine Mazlish
Teach Me How to Say It Right, Dorothy P. Dougherty
The Gift of Dyslexia, Ronald D. Davis
The Hurried Child – Growing Up Too Fast Too Soon, David Elkind
Is This Your Child? Discovering and Treating Unrecognized Allergies in Children and Adults, Doris Rapp M.D.
About Montessori - Understanding Montessori
Montessori Materials & Books for the Home -
Montessori Services & Montessori for EveryoneResources for Left Handed Children - Left Handed Children
Montessori and Parenting - Kids Talk News
Information for Parents - Living Montessori Now